Susan started quilting after her mother died in 2001. She had been sewing (self-taught) since she was in high school. After some practice blocks, Susan planned her first quilt using a design from Marcia Hohn’s Quilter’s Cache ( The cats block is called tesselcats. Not being one to follow a pattern, she made a few changes, including the addition of 4 kittens. It took a while before Susan quilted this one so it was not the first completed quilt. The quilt is titled “Fancy Cats’ Fancy.”
Susan’s second quilt and the first completed is called Pansies and Butterflies. She designed and made the quilt but had someone else do the quilting. It was designed around the pansy fabric and pansy block picking up the colors from the pansies in all the butterflies.
The dog quilt in rich tones of gold and brown was designed and made by Susan but is still awaiting quilting. It is so lovely that more quilting skills were required than possessed at the time it was created.
“All things are possible when fat furry worms can fly” was designed and made combining piecing and three dimensional applique. It was designed around the lovely butterfly print fabric.
- 3-d flower and butterefly
Susan purchased a long arm quilting machine and now does quilting for other people as well as for herself. One of her first quilts was a huge challenge. It is humongous and its design and structure required a lot of quilting so it took over 80 hours of quilting time. It afforded Susan lots of practice and many opportunities to learn new things about her new quilting machine. It is called the super king quilt here.
She is doing a lot of wall hangings right now because she doesn’t want to put a quilt on the bed where the dogs will surely destroy it. The magnificent medallion quilt is another Marcia Hohn design called Irises and Lions (see The first photo shows the quilt, the next shows a close up of part of the quilt and the third photo shows the back of the quilt so you can see all the quilting. The “Lonestar and Tulips” quilt is lovely in spring colors. It provides hope that spring will soon arrive when put up in March. The Christmas wall hanging was adapted from a pattern in a magazine. The homespun quilt looks great on the wall of the log cabin in which Susan lives. There is a quilt to match but it hasn’t been finished since it would take 2 seconds before the dogs and cat were upon it.
- IIris and Lions
- Close-up
- Back Iris and Lions
- Christmas
- Lonestar and Tulips
- Homespun
Susan also makes quilts on commission for other people. The blue and gold iris quilt was commissioned by a friend. Susan designed the quilt, made it and quilted it. Baby quilts are a favorite request of customers.
- Iris Quilt
- Baby Quilt
- Baby Quilt
These are also examples of quilts made by other people but quilted by Susan and samples that just show the quilting.
- Practice piece
- Sample of quilting
- Sample of quilting
- Baroque swirl and feathers on cusstomer quilt
- Fall Wall Hanging by Barb Jones
- Detail of fall wall hanging
- Another practicce piece
- Jacob’s Lader quilt (Purchased quilt top and reworked it adding border)
- Close-up
- View of quilting from front
- Back of Jacob’s Ladder quilt
Susan quilted 3 quilts for the 2012 Sussex National Specialty. These quilts were all made by Barb Jones. One is for Best in Show, one for Best of Opposites and the last for Best of Winners.
- Sussex quilt 1
- Close-up quilt 1
- Back Quilt 1
- Back Quilt 1
- Sussex quilt 2
- Close-up quilt 2
- Detail quilt 2
- Back quilt 2
- Back quilt 2
- Quilt 3
- Detail quilt 3
- Back quilt 3
- Close-up back of quilt 3